11/1 | Dark Eyes |
11/6 | Cry Freedom |
11/11 | Siesta |
11/13 Fri | The Running Man |
The Howling III: The Marsupials |
11/25 | Three Men and a Baby |
12/11 Fri | Throw Momma from the Train |
Empire of the Sun |
Wall Street |
12/18 Fri | Overboard |
*Batteries Not Included |
Moonstruck |
12/25 Fri | Empire of the Sun |
Good Morning, Vietnam |
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold |
84 Charing Cross Road |
90 Degrees South |
The Abduction of Kari Swenson |
After Rubicon (Etter Rubicon) |
After the Promise |
Agent Trouble |
The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory |
The Allnighter |
Almost Partners |
Amazing Grace And Chuck |
The Amazing Mr. Bickford |
Amazon Women On The Moon |
American Ninja 2: The Confrontation |
Ancient Alliance |
Angel Heart |
Appointment with Fear |
Assassination |
Assault and Matrimony |
Association of Wrongdoers (Association de Malfaiteurs) |
At Mother's Request |
Athens, Ga. - Inside Out |
Baby Girl Scott |
Back to the Beach |
Backfire |
Baka: The People of the Rainforest |
Balada da Praia dos Cães |
Banzai Runner |
The Barbarians |
Bates Motel |
The Beat Generation: An American Dream |
The Belivers |
Bellman And True |
Best Seller |
The Betty Ford Story |
Beyond the Next Mountain |
Beyond Therapy |
Big Bad Mama II |
The Big Easy |
The Big Part |
Big Shots |
Bigfoot |
Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire |
Blind Chance |
Blind Date |
Blod Vows: The Story of a Mafia Wife |
Blood Harvest |
Bluffing It |
Body Slam |
Born In East L.A. |
Born On Fire |
The Boss's Wife |
Brand New Day |
The Brave Little Toaster |
Brenda Starr |
Bride of Boogedy |
Brightness |
Broadcast News |
Broken Vows |
Budawanny |
Buddha's Lock |
Burglar |
The Caller |
Campus Man |
Candy Mountain |
Cannibal Hookers |
Canyon Dreams |
Casanova |
Cat & Mouse |
Catch the Heat |
Cause Célèbre |
The Celts |
The Charmings |
Chateroux district |
Cherry 2000 |
A Child's Christmas in Wales |
Children and the White Whale |
China Girl |
A Chinese Ghost Story |
The Chipmunk Adventure |
Christmas Comes To Willow Creek |
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Cronaca di una morte annunciata) |
Club de Rencontres |
Comeback |
Comedie! |
Contagion |
Counterforce |
Cracked Up |
Critical Condition |
Cross My Heart |
Daddy |
Dance for Modern Times |
Dancers |
Daughter of the Nile |
The Day After the Fair |
Days to Remember |
The Dead |
Dead Lucky |
Deadly Care |
Deadly Prey |
Death Before Dishonor |
Death Stone (Der Stein des Todes) |
Deathstalker II |
Delirium |
Des Teufels Paradies |
Desperado |
Desperate |
Destination: America |
Dirty Dancing |
Disorderlies |
Diventerò Padre |
Django Strikes Again (Django 2 - Il grande ritorno) |
Dolls |
Dorothy Meets Ozma of Oz |
Dot and the Smugglers |
Dot Goes to Hollywood |
Dottie |
Double Agent |
Double Switch |
Down Twisted |
Downpayment On Murder |
Dragnet |
The Drifting Classroom |
Dudes |
Echoes in the Darkness |
Eight Is Enough: A Family Reunion |
El aullido del diablo (Howling of the Devil) |
El Jiménez |
El Lute: Camina o Revienta |
The Eleventh Commandment |
Eli Jiménez |
Emanon |
Emmanuelle V |
Enas Erodios gia ti Germania |
The Enture |
Escape from Sobibor |
Every Time We Say Goodbye |
Evil Town |
Exploits of a Young Don Juan |
The Facts of Life Down Under |
Family Viewing |
Fashion Aid |
Fatal Beauty |
Fatal Confession: A Father Dowling Mystery |
The Father Clements Story |
A Father's Revenge |
Festival |
Field Agent |
Fight For Life |
The Fighter |
Fire And Ice |
Firehouse |
Five Corners |
Flicks |
Flowers in the Attic |
Friendship's Death |
From A Whisper To A Scream |
From a Whisper to a Scream |
Fucking Fernand |
Funny, You Don't Look 200: A Constitutional Vaudeville |
Gaby - A True Story |
Gandahar |
Gangland |
Gardens of Stone |
The General |
Ghost of a Chance |
The Glass Menagerie |
The Gold Rimmed Glasses (Gli occhiali d'oro) |
Gothic |
Graveyard Disturbance |
The Great Department Store Robbery |
Greed |
Guilty of Innocence: The Lenell Geter Story |
Guys Who Never Learn |
Hamburger Hill |
Hangmen |
The Hanoi Hilton |
Happy New Year |
Happy Valley |
Hard Ticket to Hawaii |
The Harp In The South |
Harry and the Hendersons |
Harry's Hong Kong |
Harry's Kingdom |
Haunted By Her Past |
A Hazard of Hearts |
Hearts Of Fire |
Heat |
Heat and Sunlight |
Heaven and Earth |
Hello Again |
Hellraiser |
Her Secret Life |
Hiding Out |
High Tide |
The Highwayman |
Hobgoblins |
A Hobo's Christmas |
Hollywood Shuffle |
Hope and Glory |
Hot Pursuit |
Hotel Colonial |
Hour of the Assassin |
Housekeeping |
Houston Knights |
Hunter's Blood |
The Hunting of the Snark |
I'll Take Manhattan |
The Ice Palace (Is-slottet) |
If It's Tuesday, It Still Must Be Belgium |
Il Giorno Prima |
The Impossible Spy |
In Love and War |
In the Mood |
Independence |
Infidelity |
Infiltrator |
The Inquiry (L'inchiesta) |
Intervista |
Intimate Contact |
Into the Homeland |
Ironweed |
Ishtar |
Island Sons |
It's Alive III: Island of the Alive |
J. Edgar Hoover |
J.J. Starbuck |
Julia And Julia |
Kam, Pánove, Kam Jdete? |
Karate Warrior |
Kids Like These |
Killing Spree |
The Killing Time |
The Kindred |
The King Of Love |
The Kitchen Toto |
Kocham Kino |
Koibitotachino Jikoku |
Kojak: The Prince of Justice |
Kyofu-no Yacchan |
L'Île |
La Petite allumeuse |
La Playa de los Perros |
La Rumba |
Laguna Heat |
The Last Emperor |
The Last Fling |
The Last Innocent Man |
Last Summer in Tangiers (Dernier été à Tanger) |
LBJ: The Early Years |
Le Diable a Quatre |
Le grand chemin (The Grand Highway) |
Le Miraculé |
Lena: My 100 Children |
Leonard Part 6 |
Les Mois D'Avril Sont Meurtriers |
Les nouveaux tricheurs |
Less Than Zero |
Levy and Goliath |
Light of Day |
The Lighthorsemen |
Like Father Like Son |
The Little Match Girl |
Little Miss Perfect |
The Living Daylights |
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne |
The Long Journey Home |
The Long Walk Home |
The Lost Boys |
Lost Worlds |
Love Among Thieves |
Love Lies |
The Lullabye |
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile: The Musical |
Made in Argentina |
Made in Heaven |
Maid to Order |
Making Mr. Right |
Malone |
Mama's Going to Buy You a Mockingbird |
A Man in Love (Un homme amoureux) |
The Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains |
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat |
Mandela |
Maniac Killer |
Maximum Potential |
Mayflower Madam |
Metamorphosis |
Miami Connection |
Miracle Down Under |
Mission Manila |
Mistress |
Mon bel amour ma dechirure |
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home |
Mosca Addio |
A Moth in the Country |
Munchies |
Murder Ordained |
Nadine |
Napoleon and Josephine: A Love Story |
Narozeniny Reziséra Z.K. |
Nasty Hero |
Nice Girls Don't Explode |
Night Screams |
The Night Stalker |
Nighthunters |
No Man's Land |
No Safe Haven |
No Way Out |
Norman Rockwell: An American Portrait |
Not Quite Human |
Nowhere To Hide |
Nuit docile |
Number One with a Bullet |
Nutcracker: Money, Madness & Murder |
Off The Mark |
On Fire |
On the Fringe |
Once We Were Dreamers |
Opera |
Orphans |
Osudjeni |
Outrageous Fortune |
Over the Top |
Overkill |
P.K. And The Kid |
Pack of Lies |
Pals |
Parent Trap II |
Pas de C4 pour Daniel Daniel |
Penitentiary III |
The Perfectionist |
Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love |
Perry Mason: The Case of the Murdered Madam |
Perry Mason: The Case of the Scandalous Scoundrel |
Perry Mason: The Case of the Sinister Spirit |
Personal Services |
The Petrov Affair |
Pigeon Feathers |
Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night |
A Place to Call Home |
Planes, Trains & Automobiles |
Poker Alice |
Poor Little Rich Girl: The Barbara Hutton Story |
Porterhouse Blue |
Power, Passion and Murder |
Prick Up Your Ears |
The Princess Academy |
The Principal |
Private Eye |
Profumo |
Promis, juré! |
Promis... jure! |
Promised Land |
Proud Men |
Psychos in Love |
Pulse Pounders: Trancers, The Evil Clergyman & The Dungeonmaster |
The Puppetoon Movie |
Quartiere |
The Quick and the Dead |
Rachel River |
Radio Days |
Rawhead Rex |
Real Men |
Red Sorghum |
Remote Control |
Retribution |
The Return of Sherlock Holmes |
Return of the Kickfighter |
The Return of the Shaggy Dog |
Return Of The Six Million Dollar Man & The Bionic Woman |
The Revenge of the Living Dead Girls (La revanche des mottes vivantes) |
Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise |
Right To Die |
Rita, Sue And Bob, Too |
Robot Carnival |
Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare |
Rolling Vengeance |
Roman Holiday |
The Room Upstairs |
Roses Are For The Rich |
Roxanne |
Running from the Guns |
Russkies |
Sammy and Rosie Get Laid |
Savage Harbor |
Scoop |
The Secret of My Success |
The Secret World of Polly Flynt |
She Must Be Seeing Things |
Shell Game |
Shy People |
The Sicilian |
Six Against the Rock |
Slime City |
Sparly's Magic Piano |
Spirale |
The Spirit |
The Squeeze |
StageFright: Aquarius (Stage Fright / Deliria) |
Stakeout |
Stamp of a Killer |
Steel Dawn |
Steele Justice |
Still Crazy Like A Fox |
Storm |
Strana la Vita |
Strange Voices |
The Stranger |
A Stranger Waits |
Street Trash |
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace |
Surf Nazis Must Die |
Surrender |
Survival Game |
Sweet Loraine |
Sweet Revenge |
Sweet Surrender |
Swimming to Cambodia |
Tales from the Hollywood Hills: A Table at Ciro's |
Tales from the Hollywood Hills: Natica Jackson |
Tant qu'il y Aura des Femmes |
A Taxing Woman |
Terminal Exposure |
Terror at the Opera |
Terror Squad |
Thee Men And A Baby |
And Then You Die |
There Were Times, Dear |
There's a Nightmare in My Closet |
This Story of Love |
Three for the Road |
The Three Kings |
A Tiger's Tale |
The Time Guardian |
Timestalkers |
Tonight's The Night (Single Man) |
Touch the Sun: Devil's Hill |
Tout est Dans le Fin |
Trading Hearts |
Travelling avant |
Travelling North |
The Trouble with Spies |
Twelfth Night |
The Two Mrs. Grenvilles |
Un tassinaro a New York |
Uncle Meat |
Until Death |
V.O. |
Vent de Panique |
The Verne Miller Story |
Walk Like A Man |
A Walk on the Moon |
Walking After Midnight |
Warm Hearts, Cold Feet |
We Are The Children |
Weeds |
Werewolf |
What If I'm Gay? |
What You Mean We? |
When The Time Comes |
Where the Heart Roams |
The Whistle Blower |
White Mischief |
White of the Eye |
Who's That Girl? |
Wicked City |
The Wild Pair |
Wild Thing |
The Wind in the Willows |
Wings of Desire |
Wings Of Desire (Der Himmel Uber Berlin) |
Wings Of Honneamise: Royal Space Force |
A Winter Sleep |
Wiseguy |
Wish You Were Here |
The Witches of Eastwick |
Withnail and I |
Women in Prison |
World of the Unborn |
A Wreath of Roses |
Yoshiwara enjo |
You Talkin' To Me |
Young Harry Houdini |
Your Face |
Zegen |
Zombie High |
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